Cloud Storage

Private cloud storage for all of your files


Secure and Private

At QikPix, your privacy comes first. Unlike major competitors who are primarily ad companies, our core business is providing reliable cloud storage. We never sell your data, ensuring your personal information stays just that—personal.


Tailored to Fit

QikPix offers a variety of competitively priced storage plans, catering to both light and heavy users. With more options than typical providers, our plans are designed to meet your specific storage needs and budget, ensuring you only pay for what you use.


Optimized for Creativity

QikPix is the perfect partner for photographers, influencers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. Our flexible and secure storage solutions support your creative and professional ventures by offering scalable space and robust data protection. Whether you're managing high-resolution images or sensitive business files, QikPix empowers you to focus on innovation and growth.


Pristine Preservation

QikPix guarantees that the quality of your files remains untouched. We do not compress or alter the resolution of your photos—every pixel is preserved as you intended. With us, all files are stored in their original form, ensuring that what you upload is exactly what you see and retrieve. Perfect for professionals and enthusiasts who demand the highest fidelity in data storage.


Collaborate Seamlessly

QikPix enhances your team's productivity with our dedicated workspace feature, designed for seamless collaboration. Create a distinct area within your storage space to share files effortlessly with colleagues or clients. Whether you're working on a project with fellow creators, managing business operations, or sharing large files, our workspace ensures that collaboration is smooth, secure, and efficient.


Always Accessible

QikPix ensures you're always connected to your files, whether you're using a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Access our service via the website, web app, or mobile apps, designed for optimal performance on any device. With QikPix, your files are just a few clicks away, providing the ultimate convenience and flexibility for users on the go or at the office.

Your Ultimate Cloud Storage Solution

Join the thousands who have chosen QikPix for secure, flexible, and accessible cloud storage. Whether you're a creative professional, a small business owner, or simply looking for a reliable place to store your precious memories, QikPix offers tailored solutions that meet your needs. Sign up today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is in good hands.

  • Private
  • Flexible Plans
  • Access on any device
  • Collaboration workspaces
  • Large uploads
  • Easy file management

Get Started

Fast and Easy

Getting started is a breeze. Simply choose the plan that best fits your needs and begin uploading right away.

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